Methodology Old
Our Unique Methodology
Our methodology is comprised of 6 stages within an innovative design process that aligns practice and performance with purpose. It empowers companies to outperform by investing in social, human, and natural capital within the ecosystems in which they operate – and to benefit from enhanced returns.
1. Preparation
Define scope (entities)
Conduct interview audits with selected stakeholders
Executive education (3 days line) with the Economics of Mutuality
“I believe the Economics of Mutuality has the potential to be a game changer in encouraging companies to optimise their cost of capital by lowering operational beta (via a more robust supply chain) and also raising the headroom for long term growth. Collective and measurable actions over a sustainable period of time will result in higher value created for shareholders.”
Timothy Kwok Chee Wong
Managing Director, Group Research, DBS Bank of Singapore
2. From Purpose to Meaningful Challenge
Desk research
Run expert and internal in-depth interviews
Conduct management workshop to translate company purpose into a meaningful challenge for each entity in scope
– Actionable / distinctive contribution to company purpose
3. Ecosystem Mapping
Desk research
Run expert and internal in-depth interviews
Conduct management workshop to translate company purpose into a meaningful challenge for each entity in scope
Actionable / distinctive contribution to company purpose
Yassine El Ouarzazi on Ecosystem Orchestration
4. EoM Metrics for Performance
Design data collection instruments for the Economics of Mutuality capitals (social, human, natural and shared financial capital) on selected pain points and strategic stakeholders
Collect and analyse baseline data
Establish relationship between Economics of Mutuality capitals and business performance (build the business case)
Select / prioritize shortlist of relevant KPIs for Economics of Mutuality capitals performance management
“If we apply all the skills and controls that we have so successfully applied to financial capital and turn them to the management of social, human and natural capital, the opportunities for growth are almost unlimited.”
Bruno Roche
Economics of Mutuality Founder and Executive Director;
Former Mars Chief Economist
5. Interventions Design
Identify key actions impacting key pain points / EoM KPIs
– New business models
– Adaptation of ways of working
Review existing portfolio of initiatives
– Stop / Accelerate / Continue
Build ‘case’ on prioritized initiatives
Build consolidated roadmap
6. Mutual P&L
Set purpose-driven change management approach
Mutual P&L (embed in financial reporting)
Transfer to client team
Set cascading program
François Laurent on the Mutual P&L